Monday 22 September 2008

High Blood Pressure

I am struggling at the moment trying to get my blood pressure to stabilise. I can't have my weight loss surgery until my bp has come down.
At the moment I am having it read every week. So far it is going the other way and getting higher instead of getting lower
This is not for the faint hearted. It’s a blog straight from the heart. If you are still interested then read on.

After being overweight for most of my life – for some reason at the age of 54 I have decided to fight back. Yes that’s right 54. Well, I can hear you thinking why now? There is no reason for it to be now; anymore than last year or the year before. Perhaps as you get older you see things differently or is it that you are just fed up with struggling; and life then becomes a burden. This blog will not be about being depressed or feeing sorry for myself but more of an awakening and realisation that life has a lot to offer and I want to be a part of that. It will hopefully offer hope and inspiration to everyone and is written as said previously straight from the heart.

I have always had a massive amount of support from my family and friends, but from time to time you need just that bit more.

Over the years I have often thought of weight loss surgery usually as I was having a coffee and piece of cake, and didn’t dwell on it too long, never seriously considering it. One of my main concerns was what would people think? My Oh My!! How that has changed. I no longer worry or agonise over other people’s comments. Accept me for what I am or don’t accept me at all is my motto. What does it matter what you weigh, you are still the same person inside. In this fashion conscious world in which we live, the negativity of obesity is overwhelming - often with devastating consequences.

We have ‘fat camps’ for kids – how ludicrous is that. Don’t get me wrong I think the answer to obesity in children does need addressing – but surely not with the images of ‘fat’ children publicised and paraded in the media like some sort of freak show.

As you get older you do become responsible for what you eat – but for a child – they eat what they are given and that is the big difference. Left to their own devices children will choose to eat burgers, pizza, fast food etc – they are scrumptious. They need to be trained into eating a healthy diet. And yes I did say train as I don’t think you can change your eating habits overnight. It’s parents that need training and support to offer healthier foods for their children. Convert the parents and bingo the child(ren) will have a chance.

Anyway I am sure you haven’t logged onto this blog to read the ramblings of a mad woman on the eating habits of children. I am writing this blog as my record of the trials and tribulations on my weight loss journey before and after surgery.